Sunday, November 25, 2007

Nadine Pavloff

Hi everyone. This is my first time creating (or even using) a blog so bare with me.

I grew up in Rosedale, Queens - sometimes refered to as "Laurelton" or even "Springfield Gardens". That was a long time ago. I lived there from 1961 - 1970. I was 8 years old when we moved into our new house at 145-75 224th Street. That's me on the far left. We moved away just before my senior year of high school.

During that time, there were many friends and neighbors that my sister Carla and I have played with, stayed with, laughed with, cried with and grew up with. If you don't remember the people in the picture above, they are: (from left to right - back row: Nadine Pavloff, Sandy from Brooklyn, Margaret Eichel & Carla Pavloff -- front row: Lisa Nierenberg, Joey Nierenberg & Linda Teich). Where are you all now??

Carla and I have been searching for a couple of months now and have made some progress locating old friends and neighbors. But there are others we have not had luck locating yet so I thought I'd start this blog and have people read it, post comments to it, enjoy it and pass it around.

TO ADD A COMMENT: Simply scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the small blue "comments" link. Then type away in the box.

(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

This area is for pictures of everyone both growing up and grown up -friends and family. Please share. Just email your pictures to me and I will happily post them with your comment.

Here is a picture of my husband, Stewart and me taken this summer (2007) near our home in Plymouth, MA.

This is my sister Carla and me. It was taken a couple of years ago.

These are Carla's girls about 3 years ago. Heather (left) and Emmie (right).

And this is my girl:

Some old pictures...

From 1963... Me (left) and Robin (right). ;-)

PS 52 Queens - Graduating Class of 1965

JHS 231 - Graduating Class of 1967

Remember those Woolworth picture booths? See if you know who these people are:

Gotta love that white lipstick --->

And here's a picture of me (Nadine) circa 1969. Those were the days of "love beads", Mickey Mouse watches and hair ironing. ;-)


Lisa and Kate said...

Hi Nay. Remember me? Lisa Nierenberg. For those of you who might read this, I was one of the 224th Street gang too. I too live up in Massachusetts, about 40 minutes west of Boston in Harvard (not the university). I've been in Massachusetts ever since the mid-70s, am married, have an adult daughter, a cat and two guinea pigs. Hope to hear from others soon.

Carla said...

This is the best idea. I love reconnecting with old friends. This is Carla, Nadine’s sister. I also hung out with that gang of kids on 224th street and the neighboring area. We walked to Jack’s candy store and hung out down the block at the end of 224th or at our house. I live in Levittown on long island now. I lived here for over 15 years and have 2 daughters 28 and 17 and a kitty. I hope you all send comments and pictures though I’m not sure how to send pictures on the blog yet. I think it’s still in the lets figure this thing out stages. Anyway I hope everyone is just as happy about this and will comment often.

Anonymous said...

Hey you! Don't just read these comments - leave one yourself. We'd all love to hear from you!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nadine!
I loved reading your blogspot and I'm very impressed that you were able to post it...not quite there yet for me. This is Julie Tepper. I live in Roslyn Heights, NY, work on the upper west side of the city. I'm married to Ken, for over thirty-two years (a miracle...I thought it was a 5 year plan...) and we have two kids, Brian, 28 and Natalie, 25. I think it's great to hear from the people here, but hearing from Nadine was phenomenal!